*CityTeam Mobile Pantry on the First Saturday of each month, 9–11:30 am:
Mobile Pantry is a food distribution event serving over 450 families. Duties include some lifting but can be modified if needed. Please wear close-toed shoes*. All volunteers must be live-scanned before serving.
Arena Hotel Outreach on the second and fourth Sunday of each month, 1-5 pm:
ALAG volunteers distribute Blessing Bags door to door and lead Bible studies with current residents at the Arena Hotel, San Jose city-owned transitional housing for un-housed individuals. Our goal is to share the love of Christ while building relationships with current residents. All volunteers must be live-scanned before serving.
SF Tenderloin Outreach on the second and fourth Sunday of each month, 1-5 pm
Volunteers strategically build relationships with residents in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. New volunteers will be paired with an experienced leader. All volunteers must be live-scanned before serving.
Volunteer at JW House on the third Saturday of each month, 3:30–7 pm:
JW House provides food, housing, and comfort to family members of long-term Kaiser patients. Once a month, ALAG volunteers prepare and serve a meal to JW House guests, providing physical and spiritual nourishment. All volunteers must be live-scanned before serving.
Volunteer at ALAG filling “Blessing Bags” on the third Sunday of each month, 12–1:30 pm:
Stay after church on Sunday to help pack sanitary kits for the unhoused. Each blessing bag will be filled with essential items like soap, shampoo, socks, hand sanitizer, pocket Bibles, and an encouraging note. All volunteers must be live-scanned before serving.
*Please note:
CityTeam requests that all volunteers dress modestly in long pants, covered shoulders, and closed-toe shoes (no yoga pants or crop tops). Wear your ALAG T-shirt if you have one, or contact Lay Hooi to get one. Do not bring valuables since there is no place available to lock these items. Minors (aged 14-17) are welcome if accompanied by an adult chaperone.
Contact Lay Hooi V. to sign up for all or one of these outreach opportunities.
Time: 12:05 am - 11:55 pm
Location: See Above,
Organizer: Lay Hooi V., localoutreach@alagonline.com
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