Welcome to Children’s Ministries—a ministry of supporting parents in their God-given role to lead their children to the love of Jesus Christ. We offer nursery, toddler, preschool, and elementary school programs in a safe setting, led by a team of trained staff, coaches, and volunteers. Just add fun!
Newborn-K: Sunday
Age 0-2: Room 16
Age 2-3: Room 17
Age 4-5/K: Room 18
Pastor Angela: angela@alagonline.com
1st-5th Grade: Sunday
Kirkish Hall
Pastor Angela: angela@alagonline.com
1st-5th Grade: Wednesday
Room 21
Pastor Angela: angela@alagonline.com
Making wise choices, positively influencing friends, and experiencing the power of serving others. These concepts are launched in our weekly community and make their way into our families, schools, and everyday life. Just be prepared for some friendship and good times!
Let’s explore together. Each week, we get face-to-face for a combination of music, games, Biblical truth, and mashing up ideas in small groups with our peers. Look for real-life discussions and important decisions with Jesus right in the center of it all. All 6th-12th graders welcome!
Wednesday 6:00pm-7:30pm
Steven Gullickson:
Seniors 55 years and up offer a lifetime of experience and insights. Through a variety of special-interest events, activities, and fellowship, every member is encouraged to make a difference for Christ. Spiritually healthy seniors are inviting other seniors into community life and influencing younger generations for the Kingdom. Inquire to learn more about what we do as a community.
Video from August 20, 2016 – Margaret Burnham’s Testimony.
Martin and Erin Jennings: seniors@alagonline.com
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Why do we cultivate, plant, water, and harvest? It’s all for Jesus!
Abundant Life currently supports over 80 individual missionaries and organizations around the world. These missionaries have sacrificed their own comfort and safety in order to bring the Gospel to the world. Many are taking the Gospel where it is dangerous or prohibited to do so. For this reason we do not publicly list our missions supports.
Contact us for more information about the individual missionaries, projects, and organizations we are supporting through our missions giving.
Church Office
Phone: 408.252.2668
Joy of the Lord Ministries (JOTL) is a Christ-centered recovery meeting that has been meeting on Monday nights since February of 1991, and on the ALAG campus since 1997.
We are a safe and anonymous family (AKA confidential, meaning that your attendance is always kept private from people outside of the meeting). We are a “spiritual hospital” with attendees from many different 12-step recovery programs around the Bay Area. Together, we celebrate our freedom “one day at a time.”
We have many resources to share if you are ready to participate in a new way of living! Feel free to visit the JOTL website for more information. If you have additional questions, please call Don Z at 408-568-4874 or email below.
Monthly Meeting Schedule:
First Monday–Life Recovery Bible Study
Middle Mondays–Topic Discussion
Last Monday–Step of the Month Teaching
We also offer a hybrid meeting over Zoom: ID 475 879 388 PW: 805620
10100 N Stelling Rd, Cupertino, next to Whole Foods
Monday 7:00pm
Kirkish Hall
Don Z: jotlrecovery@gmail.com
Having fun while learning in a loving and nurturing environment. That’s our learning focus to develop your child’s academic, physical, social, and language skills for future success. All based on the foundational truths that God loves me, God made me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
David DeSagun: ddesagun@alagonline.com
P 408.252.2668
E alagoffice@alagonline.com